Tag Archives: house of representatives

DPR Plans to Construct a New Building, While Natural Disaster Victims Still Homeless..

16 Jan

What else can they build in there?

In the midst of turmoil, economic, natural and social disasters, when Indonesia is facing a lot of corruption, pollution, education problems etc, the DPR RI (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia / Indonesian House of Representatives) is planning to construct a new DPR building! The total budget of this project can reach up to 1,31 billion Indonesian Rupiahs. Complete with a swimming pool (which they claim to be used as a ‘water tank’ so they can be ready whenever there is fire).

This plan has been widely criticised by the public, and  forced to be canceled. Of course, with that amount of money, how many schools can be built? How many houses can be built for those who lost their homes during a natural disaster? The debt of this country is still piling up, but the money this country owns is being used to spoil the representatives of this country who are already living luxurious lives.

There is nothing wrong with building a new DPR building, but  now is the least appropriate time. Sooo inappropriate! I was shocked to find out myself, does this country really have that much money to spend? Why don’t we use it for urgent things, or important things? Something that can improve the quality of lives of the Indonesian people. The DPR already has a building… while so many natural disaster survivors still don’t have a roof over their heads, and some are still not eating for days. Which one is more important? Which one should be the bigger priority?
